I've always known that there is no difference between Imran Khan and Bhutto. Both narcissists, both suffered from an inferior complex, both megalomaniacs and both behaving as if they were above the law. Bhutto was born to be executed, and if Imran Khan continues to believe he can never die, he too will be hanged.
One fine day, Bhutto called for a strike throughout the country and in both parts of Kashmir. People asked why a strike should be called when it would serve no purpose. But Bhutto being out of touch with reality, stubbornly declared every 5th of February a holiday called Kashmir day. The question arises, why should Pakistan be so concerned about Kashmir, knowing that most people in Indian-held Kashmir no longer want to join Pakistan? Of course they don't want to remain in India, but why should they want to be a part of a virtually failed state?
Someone once told me that the Brits decided to keep the two countries fighting after independence, so they bequeathed us the Kashmir dispute. This might well be true. For many years after partition, a big chunk of our budget (up to 75 percent) was spent on defence. Peace with India is no longer possible, so we'll have go on spending to defend the country to prevent its further break-up.
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