Right now it looks like the richest man in the world (Elon Musk) has the US President Donald Trump in his pocket. He is in full control of the government, sacking employees right and left in an effort to reduce government's expenses. He also got Trump to impose tariffs on imports, particularly those from China. However, the Chinese reacted calmly, subjecting American goods to more tariffs and curbing exports of sensitive materials to the US. This must have shocked both Musk and Trump, both of whom believe that everyone can be bought.
But the greatest surprise for them must have been the strong reaction to the suggestion that Palestinians in Gaza should be expelled to Egypt, Jordan and Saudi Arabia. Even the threat to stop aid to Egypt and Jordan didn't work. Perhaps this is the one good thing to have happened. Muslims, particularly Arabs, are united on this issue. Maybe at some future date, the Muslims of Kashmir will also get Arab support in their effort to gain freedom.
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