Until recently, Hindus led comfortable lives in Karachi and the rest of Sindh, it was only the Christians and Ahmedis who left the country due to persecution. But now, more and more Hindus are leaving their ancestral lands and migrating to India. Some have even gone to Australia.
The problem is that most Pakistanis have been brainwashed into believing that the country was made only for Muslims and non-Muslims have no right to live here. If you look at the Pakistan Resolution of 1940, you find that India would be divided into many independent, sovereign states where the minorities of India could live safely. Minorities included Sikhs and Christians, but this is breezily overlooked by our religious bigots.
In Chitral, only a thousand Kafiristanis remain, yet even those are being targeted by our religious parties to convert. In Gilgit Baltistan, there is continuous tension between the Sunnis and Shias, while in Baluchistan, many Hazaras have been forced to migrate. All this is due to the belief that converting a non-Muslim to Islam will get one immediately into paradise.
Unfortunately there is nothing that can be done, apart from closing down our madressahs where many children are being fed this kind of poison.
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