For the past two months I'd been receiving Whattsapp posts from Imran Khan's followers that he had already been elected Chancellor of Oxford University. I pointed out to them that elections had not yet taken place, that the list of qualified candidates had not yet been finalized, so how could he already be the Chancellor? But such is the power of Imran Khan's social media activists that they would be able to persuade his followers to believe anything, even if he claims that he is the founder of Pakistan.

Yesterday the list came out, and Imran's lovers were horrified that despite spending so much money and energy, he has been disqualified to contest the election, despite many UK parliament members pleading that he be allowed. 

I can guess what happened. Those who finalized the list must have studied Imran Khan's activities in detail, concluding that he has been tried fairly and convicted lawfully. But knowing the mindset of Imran Khan's followers, I doubt if they would agree. I wish they'd stage demonstrations against Oxford University so that overseas Pakistanis get to know how repulsive they are. 

It's good to know that Imran Khan has not been able to fool people in the UK, like he has fooled some Pakistanis.