With the passage of the twenty sixth amendment to the Constitution, some sanity has been restored and the government is now in no danger of being sent home by judges who think Imran Khan is the savior needed for Pakistan. Some lawyers are against the amendment, saying that it undermines the independence of the judiciary, but they fail to recognize how irresponsibly the majority of Supreme Court judges have behaved in recent years. 

I'm in favor of a totally independent judiciary but the seniority system ensured that was introduced in 1996 is not ideal. It resulted in the majority of the Chief Justices were from Lahore, and even highly corrupt individuals became Chief Justices. In most democratic countries, including the US, judges are appointed by the government of the day. This too is not an ideal system, but at least judges appointed in this system don't consider themselves above the law. In Pakistan, they have acted irresponsibly and one of them (Bandial) even amended the Constitution to prevent Hamza Shahbaz becoming the Chief Minister of the Punjab. 

The Stock Exchange and other indicators of the economy are showing signs of resurgence. The majority of the people are relieved that the government of the day can work without undue interference by compromised judges of the apex court.