Pakistan's politics until Imran Khan entered it was always clean. Never did we seen any parliamentarian use words of abuse or unparliamentary language in their speeches. But now, with Imran Khan's party in the assemblies of two provinces, it's free for all.

Only yesterday, at the PTI so-called huge gathering in Islamabad, the Chief Minister of KP (Ali Amin Gandoopur) abused journalists who report on his corruption. He particularly singled out a couple of female journalists, saying that he would strip them naked. I can't understand why Imran Khan selected this particular vulgar creature to be the chief minister of a province (where the rate of illiteracy is very high). I hope his women supporters (who were largely absent yesterday) will have noted this and withdraw their support to his party, although this seems very doubtful. 

Imran Khan himself, of course, has been known to use four-letter abusive words frequently, so it shouldn't surprise us that his followers do the same. But even though I don't admire Zardari and the Sharif brothers, one must admit that they are always polite in their dealings with their political foes. I doubt if Imran Khan will ever change, he's too old for that. Only the other day he threatened the prosecutor of one of the cases against him. It'll indeed be a miracle if he suddenly becomes as polite and gentle as those in the government today.