It seems that Imran Khan has given carte blanche to his faithful boot- licker Gandoopur to go ahead and defy the establishment. First he said that he would strip naked those female journalists and politicians who point out the failings and corruption of his government. Imran Khan immediately supported him but three days later reversed it, seeing how incensed people were. Now Gandoopur has said that he would directly negotiate with the Afghan Taliban government which is supporting terrorists in Pakistan. Again, this is something which no responsible politician would have said. But Imran Khan is so desperate to get out of jail that he'll try anything. Of course, he can be released immediately if he apologizes to the nation for trying to destabilize the country on May 9, 2023 but being a narcissist, this is what he will nver do.

I'm not in favor of civilians being tried by military courts, but Imran Khan is doing his best to destroy the country, so I think the only way to contain him is to do so. He may be sentenced to death and even executed, but at least the country will be saved from further damage.