It's the sacred month of Muharram (the month of mourning) and I have yet to understand why some Muslims indulge in self-flagellation and inconveniencing others by taking out processions. 

I admire the Iranian leadership for taking a stand against Israel and supporting the Palestinians. But I can't help wondering why they cannot put a stop to all the senseless activities of Shias (and some Sunnis as well). In Pakistan, virtually all economic activity comes to an end during the first ten days. Goods are stranded at the ports, payment for delays have to be made in dollars and daily wage workers have to go without earning anything. 

I once had a skilled supervisor whom I asked to come to work on the tenth of Muharram for an hour or so. He was shocked. According to him, anyone who works on that day is doomed to burn in hell. 

I have read about the origins of Shiaism and know what happened for Muslims to split into two major groups. There are only three or four countries where Shias are in the majority. In Saudi Arabia, which has many Shias living in the oil-rich eastern part of the country, the tenth of Muharram is not observed at all. In Azerbaijan, a Shiaite country, the day is observed in the privacy of homes and mosques, not on the roads. In Malaysia and Indonesia, virtually no one has heard about Shiaism. 

I don't object to anyone mourning and beating their chests, but at least they should confine their mourning to their mosques or localities. In Pakistan the main roads of all the cities are blocked by the mourners, as a result of which persons suffering heart attacks cannot be taken to hospitals.